Wutschweiger 8 plus
By Jan Sobrie and Raven Ruëll | From the Flemish by Barbara Buri | first German performance
Short info: Award-winning play about child poverty, exclusion and a budding friendship.
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Director: Jan SobrieStage design: Giovani Vanhoenacker
Costumes: Giovani Vanhoenacker
Dramaturgy: Jörn Kalbitz
Theatre education: Veronique Nivelle
Cast of play
Millie VikanisBenjamin Vinnen
According to recent studies, one in five children in Germany is affected by poverty. To this group of the »left-behinds« also Ebeneser belongs. The boy has just had to move with his parents from the chic suburban house to a gray prefabricated concrete block. With the tiny apartment, the world in which everything has to be paid for – swimming pool, cinema, a fountain pen – is also shrinking more and more. Ebeneser can only talk about it with his new girlfriend Sammy. Sammy's father has been unemployed for ten years. When the two children cannot go on the school trip, they decide to keep quiet from now on, in protest and anger. A surprisingly loud signal.
Child poverty is an invisible problem in the midst of society, which »Wutschweiger« tells about – nominated for the German Children's Theater Prize 2020 and awarded the Kaas & Kappes Playwriting Prize 2019 and the Youth Theater Prize Baden-Württemberg 2020.
Premiere outdoor: September 24, 2020 | Open-Air in Grünau
In cooperation with the open recreational meeting place »Völkerfreundschaft«
Premiere indoors: March 28, 2021 | Small Hall
- Detaillierte Infos zur baulichen Barrierefreiheit unter:
Teilhabe: Spielstätten & Anreise - Sprache:
- deutsche Lautsprache
___ - Barrierefreiheit:
- kein rollstuhlzugängliches WC vor Ort
- Rollstuhlplätze nach Absprache vorhanden, bitte vorab Kontakt mit dem Serviceteam aufnehmen
___ - Hinweis zu sensorischen Reizen:
- sehr laute Geräusche