Geschichten vom kleinen König (Stories of the Little King) 40 Min3 plus

Bild von einer Puppenfigur des kleinen Königs und einer zweiten, gelben Figur

World Premiere | Puppet Theatre Version following the motives of Hedwig Munck | Act version by Ines Müller-Braunschweig

Short info: Such a royal day is an exciting thing. The Little King experiences things, that you would never have thought are possible: hatching chocolate eggs, flying with the wind or sharing the bed with horse Grete.

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10:00 AMEtage Eins[3 plus]

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10:00 AMEtage Eins[3 plus]

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Director: Ines Müller-Braunschweig
Stage Design & Costumes: Rainer Schicktanz

Cast of play

Wilfried Reach

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We are visitors at Little King´s house. What an exciting adventure! Here we see things we never even dreamt of! How to hatch a chocolate egg? Here you can see it! Ever seen a Little King flying through the air in giant´s pants? Here we are! And what about a short trip to the stable and Hello to Grete the mare before we prepare ourselves for the night? And what a night – lumbering hooves and other obstacles are waiting for us in Little Kings royal bed.

The stories of the Little King are full of miracles, miracles you can find in the most trivial situations. All you have to do is – see them through Little King´s eyes…

This enchanting puppet theatre play is perfect for a very young audience, beginning with kindergarten age. We are glad to visit your playschool and show „Stories of the Little King“ right there.

The Leipzig Press wrote in 2006
Full of affectionate details the play inspired all generations – most of all Little King himself in his way to see the world: at the same time naive and absolutistic, and thereby always achieving his aim.

Presse: »Die liebevollen Details begeistern generationsübergreifend: Und natürlich der kleine König selbst in seiner absolutistisch-naiven Art, die Welt zu sehen und seinen Willen durchzusetzen.« Leipziger Volkszeitung

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