Die Eisbärin (The Ice Bear) 1h 30 Min10 plus

by Eva Rottmann | Classroom theatre | German First Release

Short info: Mona is a YouTube star; her videos have inspired a polar-bear-mask-wearing cult. A story from her old classroom is supposed to inspire her followers and take them back to a time when Mona had to find her own personality between peer pressure, bullying and a wish to be unique.

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Director: Jürgen Zielinski
Costumes: Laura Nowka
Dramaturgy: Jörn Kalbitz

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Mona actually made it. She is hip and successful. The twenty-year-old is a YouTube Star, her trademark is the polar bear mask. The #ice_bear inspires her fans with easy-going videos and her cool manner. But it's not that easy to keep them happy. Even the smallest carelessness can cost followers. That's why Mona is always on the lookout for spectacular ideas. For this reason she’s visiting her old school today. The #ice_bear will tell tales from the time when this used to be her classroom. She’ll tell everybody about the day that Tanja joined the class, when what other thought of her became so damn important. Those who can't withstand the pressure are quickly lost.

Eva Rottmann's classroom play about the pressure to be certain way, to play the game and the consequences of being different, was invited to the renowned competition »KinderStücke« at the 44th Mülheimer Theaterdays NRW in 2019.

Premiere: 09 May 2019

  • Detaillierte Infos zur baulichen Barrierefreiheit unter:

    Teilhabe: Spielstätten & Anreise
  • Sprache:
    - deutsche Lautsprache

  • Barrierefreiheit:
    - ausschließlich mobil im Klassenzimmer buchbar. Bauliche Zugänglichkeit richtet sich nach den Gegebenheiten vor Ort.

  • Inhaltshinweis:
    - Mobbing
    - Umgang mit Sozialen Medien

  • Buchungsinfos & -anfragen:

    Mobile Stücke des TdJW